EQUATIONS envisions a just and equitable world, where all people have the freedom and the right to determine their lives and future. We envision forms of tourism which are non-exploitative, where decision making is democratised, and access to and benefits of tourism are equitably distributed. EQUATIONS believes in the capacity of individuals and communities to actualise their potential for the well-being of society.

Towards this, we endorse justice, equity, people centred and movement centred activism, democratisation and dialogue as our core values.

We Organize our Work Across the Following Themes

Child & Tourism – We work with local communities, concerned groups, the tourism industry and other players to ensure that the rights of children are protected in the context of tourism. We endeavour to influence central and state governments to incorporate, implement and monitor child sensitive guidelines in their respective policies and legislations.

Ecosystems, Communities and Tourism – We work on international, national and local level policies and processes to build an understanding of environmental impacts of tourism. We critique current models of tourism; all which have a bearing on ecological sustainability, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods.

Economic Impacts and Tourism – We provide a developing-country perspective at the national and international fora on the impacts of trade and economic policies on tourism development and community benefit. We work on influencing the national government’s trade and economic policies related to tourism to prioritise community rights, benefits and local regulation.

Governance, Law and Tourism – We work with rural and urban Local Self Governing Institutions (LSGIs) to exercise their rights and to develop guidelines and mechanisms to strengthen local regulation of tourism and to ensure that they play an active and decisive role in tourism development.

Tourism Education – We aim to influence how tourism is taught in India by mainstreaming critical perspectives and attempt changes in tourism curriculum. We engage with students, teachers and tourism institutions by building awareness on tourism impacts, encouraging research and welcoming interns.

Women and Tourism – The tourism industry claims to be a major employer of women globally, but this is an industry that is far from gender just. Our work examines ways in which women can have greater access, control and ownership over livelihoods and natural resources as well as access to the benefits in the context of tourism. We endeavour to influence policy makers for evolving greater gender-sensitive models and policies for tourism.