With a vision to rekindle the lives of millions in despair and to eliminate the blight of poverty, bringing the shine of education, development and well being in the dark and obscure world of the underprivileged echelon, The Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust is selflessly extending services towards the re invigoration of mankind, leaving behind a smile on millions of faces across the globe.For over 25 years the trust has been on an endeavor to bring about welfare and development of both the rural as well as urban destitute without distinction of caste, creed or color. Its focus has been on the poorest of the poor slum and street children as well as the physically handicapped. It dreams of a future in which each and every child can look forward to a new day, a day free of hunger, suffering, abuse and poverty.

Networking and collaborations with NGO’s, Government organisations, Funding Agencies and Philanthropists has been a major strength for the trust in its outreach to thousands of beneficiaries in India and other developing nations.