Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre is a flagship initiative of ‘People for Animals’.
People For Animals, also known as PFA, supports and runs Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre at Raja Garden, Delhi which is India’s largest and oldest animal shelter-cum-hospital. Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre, Delhi rescues and admits close to 1000 sick and injured animals each month, including dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, camels, donkeys, pigs, monkeys, rabbits, sheep, goats, birds etc. On any given day SGACC is home to 5000 injured, sick, abandoned animals. SGACC mission is to provide sick, wounded, and abandoned animals, food, shelter, medication, kindness, safety, and care, for as long as they need it.
SGACC believes that animals are people too. Like us, they too are entitled to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants, they deserve our strongest support.